Alquimia Medieval
¿Qué vemos en el taller de Alquimia Medieval?
Taller de tres horas, totalmente práctico, incluye todos los materiales para llevar a casa. Copiamos el método de la vía húmeda, según el libro Alchemy Key, de Stuart Nettleton, año 2002 CE y el libro Secretum Secretorum escrito por Abu Bakr Mohammed ar-Razi (865-925 CE).
1. Prepararamos el Fuego Secreto, catalizador, mezcla de oxidantes y reductores en solución.
2. Purificamos el espíritu, minerales, aditivos alimentarios y su disolvente el Fuego Secreto.
3. Disolvemos el Sulfuro, la plata metálica en el fuego secreto, para preparar el Elixir de Vida.
Interpretamos el Elixir de Vida según Genesis 2:9, que dice: el árbol de la vida estaba en medio del jardín, y el árbol del conocimiento del Bien y del Mal.
Explicamos en detalle según la tradición filosófica medieval y el arquetipo de San Jorge y el Dragón. Interpretamos el árbol de la Vida y el árbol del Conocimiento según la tradición filosófica medieval.
4. El árbol de la Vida es la felicidad y la sabiduría, en el transcurso de la vida.
5. El árbol del conocimiento es el conflicto entre el bien y el mal, pero también es el pan que permite rejuvenecer y sanar.
6. Envejecemos porque el impacto de los neutrones provenientes del espacio profundo modifica el nitrógeno y el oxígeno del aire, generando carbono catorce y flúor, ambos radioactivos. Rejuvenecemos cuando la piedra filosofal, va reemplazando los metales que las células pierden.
7. Sanamos cuando en el entorno de nuestra actividad, y descanso, la piedra filosofal forma una fina película transparente, que mineraliza las bacterias, sobre todas las superficies.
¿What we perform in the Medieval Alchemy workshop?
Three-hour practical workshop, includes all the materials to take home. We copy the method of the wet way, according to the book Alchemy Key, by Stuart Nettleton, year 2002 CE and the book Secretum Secretorum written by Abu Bakr Mohammed ar-Razi (865-925 CE).
1.Preparedeness of the Secret Fire, catalyst, mixture of oxidants and reducers in solution.
2. We purify the spirit, minerals, food additives and its solvent the Secret Fire.
3. We dissolve the Sulfur, the metallic silver in the secret fire, to prepare the Elixir of Life.
We interpret the Elixir of Life according to Genesis 2: 9, which says: the tree of life was in the middle of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of Good and Bad.
We explain in detail according to the medieval philosophical tradition and the archetype of Saint George and the Dragon. Interpretation of tree of Life and tree of Knowledge according to medieval philosophical tradition.
4. The tree of Life is happiness and wisdom, in the course of life.
5. The tree of knowledge is the conflict between good and evil, but it is also the bread that allows you to rejuvenate and heal.
6. We grow old because the impact of neutrons coming from deep space modifies the nitrogen and oxygen of the air, generating carbon fourteen and fluorine, both radioactive. We rejuvenate when the philosopher's stone replaces the metals that the cells lose.
7. We heal when in the environment of our activity, and rest, the philosopher's stone forms a thin transparent film, which mineralizes the bacteria, on all surfaces.
3. Disolvemos el Sulfuro, la plata metálica en el fuego secreto, para preparar el Elixir de Vida.
Interpretamos el Elixir de Vida según Genesis 2:9, que dice: el árbol de la vida estaba en medio del jardín, y el árbol del conocimiento del Bien y del Mal.
Explicamos en detalle según la tradición filosófica medieval y el arquetipo de San Jorge y el Dragón. Interpretamos el árbol de la Vida y el árbol del Conocimiento según la tradición filosófica medieval.
4. El árbol de la Vida es la felicidad y la sabiduría, en el transcurso de la vida.
5. El árbol del conocimiento es el conflicto entre el bien y el mal, pero también es el pan que permite rejuvenecer y sanar.
6. Envejecemos porque el impacto de los neutrones provenientes del espacio profundo modifica el nitrógeno y el oxígeno del aire, generando carbono catorce y flúor, ambos radioactivos. Rejuvenecemos cuando la piedra filosofal, va reemplazando los metales que las células pierden.
7. Sanamos cuando en el entorno de nuestra actividad, y descanso, la piedra filosofal forma una fina película transparente, que mineraliza las bacterias, sobre todas las superficies.
¿What we perform in the Medieval Alchemy workshop?
Three-hour practical workshop, includes all the materials to take home. We copy the method of the wet way, according to the book Alchemy Key, by Stuart Nettleton, year 2002 CE and the book Secretum Secretorum written by Abu Bakr Mohammed ar-Razi (865-925 CE).
1.Preparedeness of the Secret Fire, catalyst, mixture of oxidants and reducers in solution.
2. We purify the spirit, minerals, food additives and its solvent the Secret Fire.
3. We dissolve the Sulfur, the metallic silver in the secret fire, to prepare the Elixir of Life.
We interpret the Elixir of Life according to Genesis 2: 9, which says: the tree of life was in the middle of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of Good and Bad.
We explain in detail according to the medieval philosophical tradition and the archetype of Saint George and the Dragon. Interpretation of tree of Life and tree of Knowledge according to medieval philosophical tradition.
4. The tree of Life is happiness and wisdom, in the course of life.
5. The tree of knowledge is the conflict between good and evil, but it is also the bread that allows you to rejuvenate and heal.
6. We grow old because the impact of neutrons coming from deep space modifies the nitrogen and oxygen of the air, generating carbon fourteen and fluorine, both radioactive. We rejuvenate when the philosopher's stone replaces the metals that the cells lose.
7. We heal when in the environment of our activity, and rest, the philosopher's stone forms a thin transparent film, which mineralizes the bacteria, on all surfaces.
5. El árbol del conocimiento es el conflicto entre el bien y el mal, pero también es el pan que permite rejuvenecer y sanar.
6. Envejecemos porque el impacto de los neutrones provenientes del espacio profundo modifica el nitrógeno y el oxígeno del aire, generando carbono catorce y flúor, ambos radioactivos. Rejuvenecemos cuando la piedra filosofal, va reemplazando los metales que las células pierden.
7. Sanamos cuando en el entorno de nuestra actividad, y descanso, la piedra filosofal forma una fina película transparente, que mineraliza las bacterias, sobre todas las superficies.
¿What we perform in the Medieval Alchemy workshop?
Three-hour practical workshop, includes all the materials to take home. We copy the method of the wet way, according to the book Alchemy Key, by Stuart Nettleton, year 2002 CE and the book Secretum Secretorum written by Abu Bakr Mohammed ar-Razi (865-925 CE).
1.Preparedeness of the Secret Fire, catalyst, mixture of oxidants and reducers in solution.
2. We purify the spirit, minerals, food additives and its solvent the Secret Fire.
3. We dissolve the Sulfur, the metallic silver in the secret fire, to prepare the Elixir of Life.
We interpret the Elixir of Life according to Genesis 2: 9, which says: the tree of life was in the middle of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of Good and Bad.
We explain in detail according to the medieval philosophical tradition and the archetype of Saint George and the Dragon. Interpretation of tree of Life and tree of Knowledge according to medieval philosophical tradition.
4. The tree of Life is happiness and wisdom, in the course of life.
5. The tree of knowledge is the conflict between good and evil, but it is also the bread that allows you to rejuvenate and heal.
6. We grow old because the impact of neutrons coming from deep space modifies the nitrogen and oxygen of the air, generating carbon fourteen and fluorine, both radioactive. We rejuvenate when the philosopher's stone replaces the metals that the cells lose.
7. We heal when in the environment of our activity, and rest, the philosopher's stone forms a thin transparent film, which mineralizes the bacteria, on all surfaces.
7. Sanamos cuando en el entorno de nuestra actividad, y descanso, la piedra filosofal forma una fina película transparente, que mineraliza las bacterias, sobre todas las superficies.
¿What we perform in the Medieval Alchemy workshop?
Three-hour practical workshop, includes all the materials to take home. We copy the method of the wet way, according to the book Alchemy Key, by Stuart Nettleton, year 2002 CE and the book Secretum Secretorum written by Abu Bakr Mohammed ar-Razi (865-925 CE).
1.Preparedeness of the Secret Fire, catalyst, mixture of oxidants and reducers in solution.
2. We purify the spirit, minerals, food additives and its solvent the Secret Fire.
3. We dissolve the Sulfur, the metallic silver in the secret fire, to prepare the Elixir of Life.
We interpret the Elixir of Life according to Genesis 2: 9, which says: the tree of life was in the middle of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of Good and Bad.
We explain in detail according to the medieval philosophical tradition and the archetype of Saint George and the Dragon. Interpretation of tree of Life and tree of Knowledge according to medieval philosophical tradition.
4. The tree of Life is happiness and wisdom, in the course of life.
5. The tree of knowledge is the conflict between good and evil, but it is also the bread that allows you to rejuvenate and heal.
6. We grow old because the impact of neutrons coming from deep space modifies the nitrogen and oxygen of the air, generating carbon fourteen and fluorine, both radioactive. We rejuvenate when the philosopher's stone replaces the metals that the cells lose.
7. We heal when in the environment of our activity, and rest, the philosopher's stone forms a thin transparent film, which mineralizes the bacteria, on all surfaces.
1.Preparedeness of the Secret Fire, catalyst, mixture of oxidants and reducers in solution.
2. We purify the spirit, minerals, food additives and its solvent the Secret Fire.
3. We dissolve the Sulfur, the metallic silver in the secret fire, to prepare the Elixir of Life.
We interpret the Elixir of Life according to Genesis 2: 9, which says: the tree of life was in the middle of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of Good and Bad.
We explain in detail according to the medieval philosophical tradition and the archetype of Saint George and the Dragon. Interpretation of tree of Life and tree of Knowledge according to medieval philosophical tradition.
4. The tree of Life is happiness and wisdom, in the course of life.
5. The tree of knowledge is the conflict between good and evil, but it is also the bread that allows you to rejuvenate and heal.
6. We grow old because the impact of neutrons coming from deep space modifies the nitrogen and oxygen of the air, generating carbon fourteen and fluorine, both radioactive. We rejuvenate when the philosopher's stone replaces the metals that the cells lose.
7. We heal when in the environment of our activity, and rest, the philosopher's stone forms a thin transparent film, which mineralizes the bacteria, on all surfaces.
3. We dissolve the Sulfur, the metallic silver in the secret fire, to prepare the Elixir of Life.
We interpret the Elixir of Life according to Genesis 2: 9, which says: the tree of life was in the middle of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of Good and Bad.
We explain in detail according to the medieval philosophical tradition and the archetype of Saint George and the Dragon. Interpretation of tree of Life and tree of Knowledge according to medieval philosophical tradition.
4. The tree of Life is happiness and wisdom, in the course of life.
5. The tree of knowledge is the conflict between good and evil, but it is also the bread that allows you to rejuvenate and heal.
6. We grow old because the impact of neutrons coming from deep space modifies the nitrogen and oxygen of the air, generating carbon fourteen and fluorine, both radioactive. We rejuvenate when the philosopher's stone replaces the metals that the cells lose.
7. We heal when in the environment of our activity, and rest, the philosopher's stone forms a thin transparent film, which mineralizes the bacteria, on all surfaces.
5. The tree of knowledge is the conflict between good and evil, but it is also the bread that allows you to rejuvenate and heal.
6. We grow old because the impact of neutrons coming from deep space modifies the nitrogen and oxygen of the air, generating carbon fourteen and fluorine, both radioactive. We rejuvenate when the philosopher's stone replaces the metals that the cells lose.
7. We heal when in the environment of our activity, and rest, the philosopher's stone forms a thin transparent film, which mineralizes the bacteria, on all surfaces.
7. We heal when in the environment of our activity, and rest, the philosopher's stone forms a thin transparent film, which mineralizes the bacteria, on all surfaces.

Podemos preparar el Elixir de la Vida porque en 1510 participamos, en Venecia, en el segundo piso del Palazzo Ducale, Piazza San Marco, como observador, el lento proceso alquímico, la vía húmeda que tomó aproximadamente dos años para su realización, para proteger la vida del Príncipe
We can prepare the Elixir of Life because in 1510 we participated, in Venice, on the second floor of the Palazzo Ducale, Piazza San Marco, as an observer, the slow alchemical process, the wet way that took about two years of time to perform it, to protect the life of the Prince
L a preparación del Elixir de Vida nos permite entender el tiempo de meditación, y tiempo de realización. Meditar, nos permite percibir lo que tenemos que hacer y a la inversa observar el trabajo de la materia, nos permite entender el flujo del tiempo, el conflicto y el cambio en la conciencia.
P repardeness of the Elixir of Life allows us to understand the meditation time, and the performing time. Meditation allows us to perceive what we have to perform and conversely observe the work of matter, allows us to understand flow of time, conflict and change in consciousness
¿Porque concurrir a nuestro taller de Alquimia Medieval, medio día en Buenos Aires?
¿ Why attend our Medieval Alchemy workshop, half day in Buenos Aires?
Como Ingeniero permítanme conducirlos por un instante a través del Metal de la Obra hacia la Expansión de la Conciencia y hacia un salto en la Inteligencia Personal.
As Engineer, let me lead you for a moment through the Metal of the Work towards the Expansion of Consciousness and towards a jump in Personal Intelligence.